dilluns, 20 de juny del 2016

dissabte, 7 de maig del 2016

The video of the experience with 6th grade...


6th grade in the English Day!

4t grade in helping the CÀRITES Anglès in a Project

This week Mohamed, Yasin, Sergi and Romayssa were in Catalunya Square selling toys, earrings, bread or other objects. With all this money we will buy food to give to Càrites Anglès. They have also received the speech of "Banc d'Aliments" and they have published us a new (http://www.bancdelsalimentsgirona.org/ca/noticies/detall/id/235 ). On Monday they are expected to go to Càrites Anglès and we will be doing this every Friday of May. 

dimarts, 23 de febrer del 2016

4t grade - Feelings

4t Grade Students Feelings
This is a video of the students of 4t grade.

We say how do we feel. For example:
Yasin is happy because he has got football training.
Mohamed Zerouli is happy becuase he will play football.
Romyassa is happy because it's English time.
Anas is happy because it's English class.
Mohamed Adarraz is happy becuase he has got one hundred points.

dijous, 18 de febrer del 2016

dimarts, 19 de gener del 2016

Word a Round - English game

In 4th grade we have been playing with English games. In this picture you can see four students who where trying to find a word in the round. The quickest student is the one that gets the point. They can practice the vocabulary and the comprehension. 

Cesc doing his presentation

In 5th grade students are 5 minutes before the class  doing an oral exposition that they have prepared.  in this video we can see a short part of Cesc presentation. Hope you like it.