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dijous, 26 de novembre del 2015
All I want for Christmas is you - Practice Video for 3r to 6è
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dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2015
Christmas is coming!
Do you know what we have been doing today in the extracurricular activity? We have created our own posters for Christmas. This poster has been done by Àlex Maynegre, but Alba, Aina and Eva have also done their!
P4 Learning the numbers and counting!
dimecres, 18 de novembre del 2015
Descriptions - What's up Game.
In 4th grade we are learning how to describe ourselves. That's the reason why we started to apply the concepts learnt in class. We played the game so as to reinforce the structure "Has she/he got...". We have studied the physical description such as: curly hair, brown hair, big eyes, straight hair... The children have enjoyed and learnt a lot!
P5 - Our own memory cards!
What are we doing in P5? We are learning about the animals in a funny and didactic way. For example, once we have learnt the animals and its names (lion, rabbit, giraffe, goat, wolf...) we have drawn our memory cards so as to play the game!
The drawings are extremely beautiful!
The drawings are extremely beautiful!
diumenge, 8 de novembre del 2015
Celebrating Halloween with 6th graders
Halloween has finished. But we really enjoyed walking around Anglès the day before Halloween. We dressed up with scary costumes and we sang songs, asking for sweets and saying "Trick or Treat". Next: Christmas!
diumenge, 1 de novembre del 2015
A terrorist in Barcelona - Halloween story by Ànnia and Eloi
A teorrist in Barcelona
There was a boy and a girl who went to the park. They went with a dog and then a terrorist took the dog. The boy and the girl went to find the dog in an old house. When they entered they found the terrorist weapon. In the bedroom they found lots of persons with their hands tied together with a rope. Then in the kitchen they found the dog and they went out of the house very fast. Then the boy phoned the policeman to arrest the terrorist and put him in the prison. Finally, the boy and the girl with the dog went with their parents.
Ànnia and Eloi
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